Typical Chicago Limo Rates

There are two types of limo prices: ones are based on hours of service, the other ones are flat rates for the point to point transportation. Unlike taxis, shuttles, or other types of ground transportation, Chicago limo services do not base their rates on miles or number of passengers. No matter how many people the rates for a car are set by the number of hours.

However, for the point-to-point transportation the rates are flat. Point-to-point travel includes pick up at one location, and a drop off at one location. For Chicago suburbs and towns those rates are predetermined and do not change even if the drive time takes longer. For example, there could be traffic and despite the delay the rate will stay the same.

Sample Chicago Limo Service Prices:
3 passenger Lincoln Town Car – $50-$60hr
Standard 6 passenger SUV – $65-$85hr
10 Pass Stretch Limousine – $65-$95hr
14 passenger Stretch SUV – $95-$165hr
22 passenger Hummer SUV – $125-$195hr
26 passenger Chicago Limo Bus – $150-$300hr